Adult Education Classes: 7-Week Exploration of Māori Inspired Creativity and Wellness workshops December 7, 2023So excited about showcasing the amazing talent of our local Māori Artists here in Tauranga - explore hauora through our adult education classes.
The meaning behind our Māori Inspired Hā Tools: New Zealand's #1 Anxiety/Breathing Necklace September 13, 2023As we dive into Te Wiki o te Reo Māori, Māori Language Week, we are excited to share the rich meaning behind our Hā Tools, which are deeply rooted in...
Cultivating Culture in Business: The Pillars of Tikanga at Hā Habit" August 29, 2023Recently I was asked by a business kaiako/teacher at a secondary school some questions about being a Māori business owner. She wanted to share the answers with her students. I thought I'd...
Embracing Diversity - A Pathway to Anxiety Relief August 28, 2023Ahakoa he aha te rākau he hua kei roto No matter the species of tree each bears its own unique fruit - Celebrate diversity. - Keri Opai - Te Reo...
Empower Your Workplace with Hā (Breathing) Workshops for Hauora/Wellbeing in New Zealand July 29, 2023Deep breathing is a simple yet powerful technique that can be used to improve overall health and well-being in the workplace. It is a form of meditation that involves taking...
Anxiety: Part of our experience, but not our identity July 29, 2023For many of us, anxiety can be an overwhelming force that sneaks into our lives, affecting us in ways we never imagined. Sometimes, it can become so intense that it...