You are the captain of your WAKA (SHIP)! July 17, 2023Sometimes it may not feel like it, but you are the captain of your waka (ship). You decide what you want. You decide who you want to become. You...
"To know and not to do is not yet to know." July 12, 2023Are you someone that says you KNOW something, yet you are not living the reality you think you know? Look at how you can start taking action so that you...
The Sacred Hā (Breath): Nurturing Wairua and Cultivating Growth July 5, 2023In te ao Māori, breath (hā) is deeply intertwined with creation stories and the essence of life. Tane Mahuta breathed life into Hineahuone. The Māori expression "tihei mauri ora" signifies...
Exploring the Healing Potential of Cold Water Therapy and Conscious Breathing for Emotional Regulation & Resilience June 12, 2023About 3 1/2 years ago I came across the Wim Hof Method. It was the first time I had been introduced to the world of cold water therapy. I was more...
Resilience using Aroha (Love) & Hā (Breath): A Māori Wāhine Overcoming Obstacles May 23, 2023Below are 7 things that most people don't know about me. . Each of these experiences have helped me to become more resilient. I had to make a decision to...
Moving Beyond the Past: Overcoming Historical Intergenerational Trauma and Whakamaa May 8, 2023I felt the need to touch a little on Historical Intergenerational Trauma today because it can affect so many of us whether we are aware of it or not. ...